A New Year Begins
And, we’re off! The year in real estate is off to a fast and furious start. The Fed kept its benchmark unchanged, rates slipped below 7% and the stock market continued to roar ( though with great volatility). The terrible fires in Southern California have rocked the state.The human and financial costs and consequences will take years to evaluate. Many are also analyzing their own fire preparedness and we are still sorting out the fallout for homes with the insurance industry which has become challenging with only a handful of carriers to choose from. Finally, national and international politics seem to bring fresh developments moment by moment with uncertain effects on the economy and the housing markets.
In spite of this backdrop, real estate continues to be hyper local. Marin real estate is predictably very active after the Winter slumber. Buyers are out in force. Despite the rainy weather, open houses are busy with new listings just starting to trickle onto the market. Homes that have not sold in the Fall/Winter are being trotted back out and snapped up due to the lack of inventory. Many homes are seeing multiple offers. Families that want their children enrolled in Marin schools, are seriously out looking so they can be ready for Fall enrollment. The rains should bring green hills and make for lush gardens. All these ingredients make for a promising Spring season. If you are considering making a change, reach out and we can discuss your options.
Let’s Go!